Historical Towers

Fawlty Towers was (and is) a TV Series that ran on the BBC2 channel. Originally a first series of six episodes in 1975, and followed by a second run of 6 more in 1979.In order of appearence and the date shown, here they are:

Fawlty Towers was the bastard brainchild of John Cleese and his then wife Connie Booth. The premise of the show is that it is THE hotel of every traveller's nightmare.Basil Fawlty (aka Cleese) is the owner of the hotel. He is a kiss ass to those he believes have wealth or influence, and an absolute pain to everyone else.

Here is the regular cast of characters that made this show work:

The Top 20 Fawlty Sayings of All Time Historical Towers Other Accomidations Silly Useless Crap! Fawlty Towers Guestbook